There was a point, a few years ago, where my hair was severely damaged. I had this horrible hair cut I couldn’t seem to escape; I kept telling my hair…
Style Essentials How to Dress Business Casual
I’ll never forget when the first company I worked for introduced “Casual Fridays”—the whole company was abuzz with excitement, most especially the men. No suits or sport coats! Yay! No…
Love Language For The Best Valentines Day Ever?
Do you remember that book the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman? The book was written in 1992 and outlines five ways people express and experience love. Here’s how to…
Have You Given Up On Your New Years Resolutions?
You may wonder why I am running a “new year’s resolution” post at the beginning of February. Well, by the end of the month of January, our best laid plans…
2020 Fashion Trends for the Woman Over 50
I love the Old Farmer’s Almanac. My mother used to buy one every year. There’s something about getting a sense of what might be on hand for the future; to…
Warm Weather Travel Essentials for Women 50+
We are coming on “tourist season” here in Florida, which means that many of you will be packing up and heading to a warm weather location, maybe even here! So today…
I Learned How to Tame A Man Last Year. Here’s the 411
If you want the 411 about the state of men and women, this is just the ticket. I met a perfect stranger in a hotel lobby, and he completely spelled it out…like a how to manual.
Botox and Filler at Home? What You Need to Know
I just watched a woman on YouTube give herself botox, filler and do a 30% TCA peel at home. Her videos came into my feed when I came across…
Should You Try a “No Buy” This Year? What You Need To Know
Should you embark on a “no buy” this year? “No Buy Year” videos have made their way into my YouTube feed. I watched a young woman from the UK…
8 Calming Self Care Tips To Center Your Mind
Between the Hygge and “self care” movements, I think most of us have given a little thought to making our lives and environments more nurturing and comfortable. When Brooke was…